Publication Fund

Clausthal University of Technology has established a publication fund. From this fund, it provides its scientists with funds for publication costs of publications in open access journals.

Reimbursement procedure

If you meet our eligibility requirements, you can apply for reimbursement. To do so, fill out the application form.

The University Library will then check whether the funding conditions are met and whether there is still enough money in the fund and will inform you immediately whether you can expect to be reimbursed.

We will settle your invoice with the publisher and take care of the inclusion of your publication on the Repository and in the university bibliography of the TU Clausthal.

If you wish, the university library can check whether your article meets the funding requirements before you submit it and, in the positive case, reserve the required funds for you.

© L. Haydinger-Just

Phone: +49 5323 72-3625

Gebäudenummer C1
Leibnizstraße 2
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

Application form publication fund

Application form Publication Fund

Funding conditions

Funding conditions