About us
The Clausthal University Library is a central institution of the Clausthal University of Technology and at the same time a publicly accessible library for all citizens, authorities, companies and schools in the region.
The acquisition of literature is oriented towards the needs of the TU. The collection focuses on mathematics and computer science, the natural sciences (except biology) and technology, especially metallurgy and materials science, mechanical and process engineering, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, mining and raw materials, industrial engineering and environmental protection technology. Fundamental works are also available from other disciplines.
In recent years, the UB has developed from a classical library into a modern information, knowledge and learning center. However, the traditional tasks have not been forgotten. The UB maintains an important cultural asset of the history of the Upper Harz, the Calvörsche Bibliothek, and for interested users it can fall back on gems of technical-scientific literature since the 18th century in its old stock.