Cooperative acquisition

In cooperative journal acquisition, (electronic) journals and databases are jointly funded by the university library and institutes. This is to ensure that there is a current scientific interest in the resources purchased by the University Library and that the funds of the University Library are used for an optimal literature supply at Clausthal University of Technology. Interested institutes may submit an application to the University Library by the respective deadline. The application must contain:

  • Name of the institute
  • title of the journal / database
  • electronic/print
  • Cost center(s)
  • Signature

The application is considered a commitment by the Institute to cover a share of the total price of the corresponding resource from Institute funds.

The following scale of shares applies:

  • 25 % for electronic journals with campus-wide access
  • 15 % for electronic databases with campus-wide access.

The University Library will handle further processing and ensure that the invoice amount is distributed proportionately to the specified cost centers. In general, subscriptions begin on January 1 of the year following the effective date.

Up-to-date information on cooperative journal acquisition, e.g. the currently valid deadline for the next application round, is regularly sent to professors by e-mail. However, you can also contact the person listed below at any time with any questions regarding cooperative acquisitions. The results of the applications (.xlsx) will be published internally after each application round.

You are welcome to download the application form (.doc) as a template and modify it according to your needs.

© L. Haydinger-Just

Phone: +49 5323 72-2348

Gebäudenummer C1
Leibnizstraße 2
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld


Silke Frank Phone: 05323 / 72-2348