Publication figures
Recording the publication figures of your own institution is becoming increasingly important at many levels. For this reason, this page will regularly publish updated figures and graphics on the publication behavior of members of Clausthal University of Technology. On request, we will be happy to create further evaluations that are important for individual needs. A click on the graphics usually leads to the underlying query in the free database OpenAlex.

Corresponding Authors
Within the publications that can be assigned to Clausthal University of Technology through affiliation with the institute, those in which the corresponding author, i.e. the author to be contacted in case of questions, also has an affiliation with Clausthal University of Technology are of particular importance, as this role is assigned the greatest responsibility for the quality of the content of the publication by the publishers. This is not merely a way of making contact, but also a person to whom the publishers can attribute any misconduct recognized by the co-authors in terms of good scientific practice. Taking on this important role is a clear sign of the professional and scientific competence of this person and the reputation they enjoy.

Open Access
Free access to scientific knowledge is a central goal of the University Library's publication funding. The fundamental idea that research financed by taxpayers' money should also be accessible to taxpayers as well as researchers from less privileged institutions or regions is only one facet of this. The higher visibility leads to a higher citation rate of articles published under appropriate licenses, with fluctuations depending on the subject area.
The University Library supports Open Access through numerous transformation contracts and individual funding via the Publication Fund. Accordingly, the key figures on how the open access share of publications at Clausthal University of Technology has developed are decisive for our further efforts.

Many members of TU Clausthal use the Web of Science database for traditional literature research. Why did we nevertheless decide to determine our key figures with OpenAlex?
What both databases have in common is that they provide an overview of scientific literature across languages and subject areas. Web of Science pre-selects the journals listed by the Clarivate Group on the basis of self-defined quality criteria. As a result of this pre-selection, newer journals, for example, but also established journals that are accepted in the community but do not appear to meet Clarivate's criteria, are missing from the search. A well-known example of this is the Journal of Open Source Software, which was repeatedly refused inclusion in the database.
OpenAlex does not represent any corporate interests, but creates its database using free databases such as Crossref or open interfaces of repositories. The database is open to contributions from the community and is therefore also actively supported from Germany.
Particularly noteworthy is the possibility of API queries, which offers easy access to the data recorded there. You can find information on this on the TU Chemnitz blog, for example.The key difference for us as a library: databases such as Scopus, Dimensions or WoS charge dearly for their services. OpenAlex is a free database that can be supported on a voluntary basis, similar to open source software projects, while the primary financial burden is borne by a non-profit organization.
If you have any questions about using OpenAlex, please contact us.
Florian Strauß
Tel.: +49 5323 72-2276
Nadine Kleinander
Phone: +49 5323 72-3625