Open Access Research Tools

You have prepared a manuscript and would like to publish it Open Access in a journal - but you don't know exactly in which journal and whether it will cost you anything? Do you need help finding the most suitable journal for a manuscript you have or are planning to publish? Here you will find useful links to help you find the right open access journal for your publication.

For some publishers we have also agreed on special conditions, be it discounts or simplified processes. Details can be found on the corresponding sub-page.

  • B!SON hilft dabei, eine passende Open-Access-Zeitschrift zu finden. Dazu werden semantische und bibliometrische Verfahren verwendet.

    • empfiehlt fachlich relevante, qualitätsgesicherte Open-Access-Zeitschriften
    • ist dabei verlagsagnostisch, kostenfrei, datenschutzkonform, transparent und quelloffen
    • ein Projekt von TIB und SLUB Dresden


  • The oa.finder is a search tool that not only aggregates and makes searchable information on OA, discipline, and impact, but also provides information on APCs/BPCs as well as funding opportunities via transformation contracts and publication funds of German scientific institutions.

  • This link will take you to a checklist that you can use to check the quality of open access journals on the basis of a few points. This checklist was created as part of the BMBF-funded project