Online introductions


On the video server of the computer center there is an area for tutorials of the UB. There you can find videos on the topics:

  • CLAIM - Das Suchportal der UB Clausthal: Allgemeine Einführung

  • CLAIM - Das Suchportal der UB Clausthal: Merklisten anlegen und nutzen

  • Literatursuche im GVK - so funktioniert´s

  • Zeitschriften- und Artikelsuche im Gesamtkatalog der TU Clausthal

Offers "elsewhere"

Guided Walk - Write your best term paper

Offer of the ZBW - Leibniz Information Center for Economics

Learning videos of the TU Berlin

For the field of economics on topics including:

  • Evaluating Internet Sources,
  • Managing literature efficiently,
  • understanding impact factor and
  • Planning the publication process.

L3T's research! Scientific work on technology-enhanced learning.

Reader. Compiled by Sandra Schön and Martin Ebner (2014) Developed and produced in cooperation of BIMS e.V. (Bad Reichenhall, D) and TU Graz (Graz, AT) Bad Reichenhall/Graz, Version 1.0 from 28.10.2014.