Did you know... ?!
You already know your way around the library, but would like to learn more about researching and searching for literature. The UB offers you six modules with different focuses in our training series "Gewusst wie...".
Basics of literature research
We show you how to prepare and conduct a search and what to look out for.
Searching and finding in the library holdings of the TU Clausthal
We show you how to search the catalogs of the TU Clausthal for books, journals or thematically.
Interlibrary Loan and Co.
You need literature that is not available in any Clausthal-Zellerfeld library? Then use our service offer for interlibrary loan.
Literatur suchen und finden
Die Veranstaltungen Grundlagen der Literaturrecherche, Suchen und Finden im Bibliotheksbestand der TU Clausthal sowie Fernleihe und Co. bieten wir alternativ als Komplettangebot von 90 Minuten an.
Research in specialized databases
We will show you what possibilities the databases of the TU Clausthal UB have in store for you.
Electronic periodical library
In this event, you will gain insights into searching for journals in the EZB and searching for full texts on the respective journal websites.
Literature management
The University Library will show you how to enter literature, import it from databases and manage it using the literature management program Zotero.