
At a glance

The library can be used at any time during opening hours.

A University Library card is not required to print, copy, or study.

Service Desk

The Service Desk is always open during library hours. There you can get help with your questions. For example, you can top up your print credit or get a library card there. On weekdays between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., library staff will help you with any questions you may have about using the library. During other hours, you will be assisted by student assistants.

Printing, copying and scanning, WLAN

You need an account from the computer center. You can get the account at the RZ-HelpdeskYou can get the account at the RZ-Helpdesk by presenting an original identification document and your conditional admission from the International Center (IZC). A library card is not necessary.

TUC account You have received a letter on which you will find your TUC account. The TUC account consists of TUC user (username) and the corresponding TUC password. Your TUC account is very important because you will need it almost every time you want to log on to a computer on campus/university library.

TUC mail address With your TUC account, you will receive a TUC mail address. This usually consists of your first name and last name: vorname.nachname@tu-clausthal.de

Printing There are several printers (ub-catalog-laser-black and ub-catalog-laser-color) in the UB. You will be billed through your print account (Papercut). To be able to print you need sufficient credit on your print account (Papercut). You can top up your credit with cash at the service desk or digitally via the RZ Service-Portal.  Payments can be made via PayPal, SEPA direct debit or Giropay. Further information can be found here.

Printing from outside the TU is possible with a VPN connection.

DIN A4, b/w 0,03 €
DIN A3, b/w 0,06 €
DIN A4, colored 0,15 €
DIN A3, colored 0,30 €

Copying and scanning Three color copiers are available in the catalog room of the University Library. You can pay via your print account(Papercut) or via a coin-operated machine.

DIN A4, b/w 0,05 €
DIN A3, b/w 0,10 €
DIN A4, colored 0,20 €
DIN A3, colored 0,40 €

You can scan at the copiers free of charge. The scanned data can be sent to you as an email or saved on a USB stick or SD card. USB sticks can also be borrowed for a short time at the service desk.

WLAN WLAN is available everywhere in the university library. You can log in using the access data you received from the Computer Center: the TUC-User and the TUC-Password.

Borrowing books

User card To borrow books you need a library card. To do so, please report to the service desk. To obtain a library card, you must fill out a user application form and bring the following documents with you:

  • a valid passport or residence permit
  • a certificate of registration of your residence in Germany
  • your registration from the International Center Clausthal (IZC)
  • registration from the Computing Center (TUC account; TUC e-mail address)

Loan periods The loan period is usually 14 days. If a title you have borrowed has not been marked otherwise, you can extend the loan period online up to three times via your library account. This is also possible from home. You will need your user number. You will find the number on the back of your user card above the barcode. Your temporary password is your date of birth (DDMMYY). Please change it the first time you log in.

Reminders Please note that you will be charged fees if you do not return a book to the University Library on time.

Fees are on a sliding scale and increase weekly.

Please be sure to include your TUC email address when registering, as our mails to other email providers often end up in the spam filter for users. You are responsible for adhering to the loan period.

1st reminder € 2,00 per volume 2nd reminder € 5.00 per tape (plus fees from 1st reminder = 7,00 €) 3rd reminder € 10,00 per tape (plus fees from 1st and 2nd reminder = 17,00 €)

Opening hours

Mon - Fri 09:00 - 21:00
Kiosk 16:00 - 20:30
Sat + Sun 10:00 - 19:00

10:30 - 18:30

The cafeteria area opens as early as 8:00 a.m. Monday through Friday.